Monday, October 7, 2013

When The Bleeding Heart Becomes The Iron Fist

 by Dave Carter
Welcome to liberal utopia, where barriers are not erected against terrorists or illegal aliens on our nation's borders, but rather against citizens, and where wheelchair-bound veterans enroute to honor their comrades face tighter security than terrorists enroute to murder a US Ambassador.  This is where up is down, wrong is right, illegality is celebrated as progress, and where Constitutionalism is derided as racist.  No longer relegated to the fever swamps of academic fancy, utopia has acquired real estate and made known its demands.

"Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual…" the First Lady warned us, and she wasn't just whistling Alinsky either.  Under King Barack's Reign of Error, your life is no longer your own, for you are now commanded to enter into private contracts by virtue of your simple existence on the planet.  Why?  Because our Sovereign and his fellow travelers are compassionate, of course.  Their hearts bleed for you,…almost as much as your pocketbook will bleed for them.
What happened to the Yes We Can chorus?
Not to worry, Ma'am, because in utopia, it's the intention that counts.  You've only to see the obvious empathy in Barack Obama's eyes, which is especially visible in the morning when he's freshly rested from a vacation at Martha's Vineyard.  He must care after all, otherwise he wouldn't punish so severely those who resist his tender advances on their "lives as usual," to use Mrs. Obama's ominous phraseology.

Please note that when the people's representatives actually represent their constituents, the majority of whom want nothing to do with the  wretched and wretchedly mis-named Affordable Care Act, it is the people who must be punished.  Can you believe that men who conquered Nazi Germany's barricades on the beach at Normandy 69 years ago actually faced barricades from their own damned government?   Can you believe that Vietnam vets, many of whom were rebuked for their service, were removed from their memorial by the police? Do the men and women who are ordered to move against law abiding veterans have no soul?
Lincoln Memorial Shut Down

The federal government has shut down some 17 times previously, and at no time were these memorials closed.  Is our Sovereign so besotted with power, has his impudent leftism so robbed him of reason that he fails to understand what is so obvious:  That in barricading Americans from memorials and icons that stand as testimony to an exceptional culture founded precisely on liberty from oppressive government, he perfectly validates the arguments of the right?

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is a psychopathic lying woman she and her lying husband represent everything that is wrong with American politics. I will never understand the Liberal’s  love and revere for her and I suspect that you will never understand my complete distrust.
In my eyes her biggest accomplishment is racking up more frequent flyer miles than George Clooney. She is totally culpable for the Benghazi failure and deaths, for starters. Respected...not hardly!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The United States, as we know it (or Knew it) is a Dying Country

This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed nations throughout mankind's history. This process begins with a society so hypnotized with their leader that they are willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination. The abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States. Through new legislation, government regulations, tax policy, and direct investment, Obama is in the process of creating a fascist economy whereby major corporations, financial institutions and small businesses will be, on a de facto basis, controlled and manipulated by the government. It is immaterial that this will make American businesses overwhelmingly uncompetitive or be unable to expand and thus create wealth and jobs. The economy that has created the highest standard of living in history will thus stagnate and decline drastically altering the nation's ability to defend itself..
Through ObamaCare, which was never about health care per se, the government will eventually control not only access to health care but the behavior of all Americans. There will be, in due course, no right to privacy. The Obama cabal is intent on keeping the border unguarded and allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens as further assurance of maintaining control of the government. Their unrelenting effort to fight all legislation requiring voter identification confirms this determination.
Obama and the Progressive Left is a rotten infection that must be lanced....before it kills us.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Can a President Who Has Promised to ´Stand with the Muslims´ Protect Americans?

In Obama´s Audacity of Hope, he stated, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in any ugly direction." 
America had a choice on Nov. 6...and in my opinion they made a terrible choice. .  Would Boston still have happened?  Probably so. Would our response to it have be different?  I think so.
The real question is: can a Leftist (= anti-American) president be expected to protect Americans? And will he? The answer is tragically obvious no he can't.

And why did he hustle that Saudi "person of interest" out of the country so fast after the Boston Bombing? 
Obama took an oath to put Americans and their safety and the Constitution first. He has violated that oath too many times to count. Now  the FBI and its ability to protect us from terrorist attacks like the one in Boston is in question.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Obama needs an attitude adjustment..

Obama needs an attitude adjustment.. I have never seen anyone in a position of leadership who so profoundly sucks at it.  Yes -- he got his ass kicked on this -- no 2 ways about it

We hear complaints about a lack of bipartisanship in Washington DC. Actually, there is plenty of bipartisanship going on. Bipartisanship in Washington means that Democrats and Republicans come together to vote down the Obama agenda, from budget proposals to the latest gun control bill. I guess that this is "politically incorrect" bipartisanship, or the kind that the media never talks about.

Yesterday, Obama came out ripping the Republicans apart, called it a "shameful day". It was a bitter loss, according to pundits. He was reacting to the US Senate failing to pass the latest of the gun control bills.

President Obama's reaction was a pitiful performance or the actions of a man who doesn't get the political reality around him. He is also a man who does not respect those who disagree with him.

President Obama should get over himself and look at some realities:
 ObamaCare is "a train wreck", according to Sen Baucus. Even the roofers union is now calling for its repeal. Senate Democrats are staring at a red-state electorate that will not buy the idea that legislators voted for something that will raise their taxes. Furthermore, why would a Senate Democrat running for reelection sign on to a gun law approved by the editorial board of The NY Times but rejected by people living in the real world?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Buffoonery at it's best!

White House snub to Thatcher: Obama won´t send envoy to her funeral !
Buffoonery at it's best!  The two names, Obama and Thatcher don´t belong in the same sentence.What a disappointment this President has been, and is.

Obama's Gun Control Bill Defeated.

So Obama’s bill was defeated, and Obama throws hissy-fit like the CHILD PRESIDENT he is.
The Lefties, Progressives, Loonies, Psychos, Obama worshipers, the Liberal Ass Kissers are WRONG!
President Obama was NOT correct when he said the N.R.A. willfully lied when they suggested to weak minded people that there would be a gun registry. It was OBAMA who WILLFULLY LIED!
Background checks will not keep guns out of the hands of out of the hands of murderers, rapists, the mentally ill, and terrorists. These people do not purchase guns from legal establishments, they will NOT under go Background checks no matter what. . The elected elite should have passed the bill because that is what the people wanted not because it will do any good. Adam Lanza killed his mother to get her guns and then killed others, would a Background Check have prevented that? .
This is a big defeat for that lying Obama, and lets hope that this is only a start that will lead to a string of defeating his asinine bills and his socialist agenda.
And besides. ONLY 4% of Americans think Gun Control is the MOST IMPORTANT issue... and the rest think the Economy, or Immigration, or some other issue is the MOST important.
Nice try Obama, but no Cuban cigar!  Maybe now that gun control has failed, he will finally concentrate on  jobs? But I doubt it very much...the administration will probably go back to gay stuff , and give the Mexican illegal’s more attention. Also It's been at least a few weeks at least since the White House has had a Hip Hop party.
Jobs, the economy, and the national debt...have become small potatoes to this administration! And STOP using these grieving parents to promote his gun legislation!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rush Was Right

Recently Rush Limbaugh opined that the United States is a dying country.
This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed nations throughout mankind's history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination.


Since 1973 (Abortion on Demand) there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
Through new legislation, government regulations, tax policy, and direct investment, Obama is in the process of creating a fascist economy whereby major corporations, financial institutions and small businesses will be, on a de facto basis, controlled and manipulated by the government. It is immaterial that this will make American businesses overwhelmingly uncompetitive or be unable to expand and thus create wealth and jobs. The economy that has created the highest standard of living in history will thus stagnate and decline drastically altering the nation's ability to defend itself.

Through ObamaCare, which was never about health care per se, the government will eventually control not only access to health care but the behavior of all Americans. There will be, in due course, no right to privacy.

By means of the current push for gun control Obama intends to initiate the first step to registration and eventual confiscation of guns from those the government deems to be unfit to own a firearm.

All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil.

In order to ensure that the people will have no recourse but to accept the mandates of the government, the process of implanting their fellow radicals in the judiciary and throughout the bureaucracy has been accelerated.

The Obama cabal is intent on keeping the border unguarded and allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens as further assurance of maintaining control of the government. Their unrelenting effort to fight all legislation requiring voter identification confirms this determination.

Rush is right, the United States is a dying country. Until the American people and the only viable political opposition, the Republican Party, begin to understand that reality, there is no hope of recovery. Will the citizenry evict the Obama radicals from government and begin the process of recovery or will the nation eventually fragment into two or three independent nations or will there be in due course a violent societal upheaval?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

This is your Life under Obamacare

Thanks, Obama voters. You just imposed on the rest of us degraded medical care and rising costs. This is no longer hypothetical or abstract. It's real. It's the law.

Though it is hard to bear for leftist utopians, sometimes there are no ultimate solutions to social inequalities from big government. Maybe the solution was to keep the local family clinics so that when a homeless guy, reaching into a dumpster, cuts his hand on glass, he can go to the clinic and gets his stitches. Yes, we can have soup kitchens too.

However, ObamaCare doesn't fix the problem.

Utopian dreams and schemes can be worse than the problem, the cure worse than the disease.

Dr. Frankenstein cried, "It's alive! It's alive!" Then the monster was unleashed.

Thanks, Obama voters. You just unleashed the monster.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Benghazi-gate is not about a bogus YouTube video

It’s even worse than we previously thought. A retired four-star admiral is now claiming that Barack Obama intentionally conspired with America’s enemies to stage a bogus attack and the kidnapping of an American ambassador so he could “negotiate” the release of a “hostage” and bolster his mediocre approval ratings just prior to the election!

The Washington Examiner, quoting retired Four-Star Admiral James Lyons, writes: “the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi… was the result of a bungled abduction attempt…. the first stage of an international prisoner exchange… that would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheik’…”

But something went horribly wrong with Obama’s “October Surprise.” Although the Obama Administration intentionally gutted security at the consulate prior to the staged kidnapping, former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty disobeyed direct orders to stand down, saved American lives, single-handedly killed scores of attackers…and the attackers, believing that Obama had betrayed them, tortured Ambassador Chris Stevens and dragged his body through the streets.

Some will say that Admiral Lyons’ accusation is not a smoking gun. We agree; that’s exactly why Congress must investigate Benghazi-gate.

Moreover, we firmly believe the problem with Admiral Lyons’ assertion is that he is only scratching the surface; the full and complete truth may be much, much worse.

Benghazi-gate is not about a bogus YouTube video series of lies. It’s not about the Obama Administration’s foreign policy ineptitude. We are dealing with something much more sinister… something potentially treasonous… and the following questions, posed in an article in The New American, go to the heart of the matter