First of all, Do not shout. Speak politely keeping your voice low and gentle. Always speak the truth. Shun words that are deceitful and ostentatious . Do not confound truth with falsehood. When you voice an opinion, be just sure that it will be one that is acceptable to all,not just to your own political warped views even if it is against your better judgment.
Do not be contemptuous or arrogant with people on the left as you always seem to be.
If you do not have complete knowledge about anything, better keep your mouth shut. You might think that speaking about something without full knowledge is a trivial matter. But it might have grave consequence.
When you hear something malicious about someone, keep a favorable view about him/her until you attain full knowledge about the matter. Consider others innocent until they are proven guilty with solid and truthful evidence.
Never think that you have reached the final stage of knowledge and nobody knows more than yourself. Remember! Above everyone endowed with knowledge is another endowed with more knowledge.
Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception) you must verify it for yourself. In the Court of your Lord, you will be held accountable for your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning.
And let us say.. Amen
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